Tuesday, September 14, 2010

EOC: Wk 9 Exercise

Ben Sander branded himself as Brini Maxwell. How would you create your own personal brand? What would your logo be? How would you design business cards? What would your theme song be? What would you sell? And who would your target audience be? Finally, where would you show your brand? On television, in a store, or on the Internet? Write and design a project that reflects the ideas of developing your own personal brand. Use the previous questions as an outline.

If I had a brand I would start my own line accessories. I’m passionate about what I produce on myself therefore my product would be a reflection of me and I would want the best, most unique accessories out there. I love observing what people are wearing and see how they developed their own sense of style. My brand would be called Bean Town Brod. I am from Boston and I am a “brod” or lady so I wanted something that would attract my target market and even those not in my range. I want to supply all types of people and allow them to express themselves how they want to be viewed and if that means wearing my accessories than great! For songs that would represent my brand would change daily or even weekly. I love all genres of music I could not just pin point one song. I would start out with the song “Then He Kissed Me” by The Crystals. Bring a little old school back into the mix. Not to mention I love this song and it reminds me of Elizabeth Shue in Adventures in Babysitting. My target audience is young 18 to 25 year old adults that love living out-of-the box and have a sense of uniqueness. Income level would be around $22,000 and up. I would market my brand everywhere that my target audience would look, magazines, wholesale, internet.

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